Thursday, October 10, 2013

3 to 1 ratio: Just Because You're Ready For A Relationship Doesn't Mean He Is!

Ladies lets get one thing clear, you aren't gonna ever met any brand new nigga that isn't talking to other bitches. That type of shit only happens in those Tyler perry movies you like. Even if he told you that he wasn't talking to anybody would you really believe that shit? Fuck No! (Well some of y'all would).

So let's say a man is honest about everything from the beginning. You ask him is he talking to anyone else, he tells you he's talking to 3 other girls. Somewhere further down the line, ladies drift off to selfish mode, and say "He Needs To Get Rid Of His Bitches!" Why should he cut the other two, Just because you feel you're ready to be with him? Just because you're ready to be committed to him, Means he's supposed to be ready to be committed to you? Ladies lets be realistic. That's like him saying to you "You're not ready to suck my dick.. But I'm ready for you to suck my dick!" Doesn't sound to nice does it? You are forcefully making that man enter something he's not ready to do right now.

Lets look at it like a job, say you work at Burger King. If you go to your manager and say "I want to be a supervisor" he's not gonna give you that position, just because you asked for it! Same goes for a man, just because you want a title doesn't mean you're qualified to get one. At this moment in time you are only qualified enough to handle the fry machine portion of his life!

Now most women will usually hit a man with the "obviously I'm not important enough to you to be committed to me and only me". But in retrospect obviously the guy isn't important enough for you to work for. Let's think about it this way. You feel the way you feel about that guy for a reason! Whatever subconscious  mental checklist you ladies have in that head of yours, He has met that, because you are ready to be with him and make him your boyfriend. He did his job, he held up his end of the bargain, he did everything he had to do to make you comfortable enough to want to make him your man. 

So how come you ladies feel that you don't have to work equally as hard, to get a man to the same level that your at? Ladies need to understand that they are never the "Only one trying to be the only One"

Just something to think about when he tells you he isn't ready for a relationship. Guess some of y'all gotta step ya game up...

This has been another PSA brought to you by: Tha Cool Chronicles

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