Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Young Intelligence Is Not Just A Brand Its A Life Style

Designer, Artist, And Poet Courtney Nelson Founder Of "Young Intelligence" Clothing has laced me with a poem that will hopefully inspire others to chase after their dreams. Nothing is impossible and Nelson shows this in his work

Mountains to miracles

Human resurrection is a scientific mystery. Rose on the third day after dying for us on Calvary. Crucified on the cross he gave his life for our sins. So many others brought back to life after death became of them. Walk by faith and not by sight, who would of thought a man could float above the water on two feet, which physics cant repeat. Peter also walked on H2O, then he sank for focused lost, on his faith in the Lord, so Jesus reached out to save him once more. A calculator can't compute to multiply or divide, five loaves and two fish to feed five thousands focks. In which he did a second time, upon a hill at Galilee. He also kept the party going turning water into wine. Gave Moses the power to part the sea, cured a man of leprosy. The blind, def and dumb, sight to see, a voice to speak and knowledge to know who God be. For twelve years this woman bled and then it stopped, for all she did was touch the thread of his cloak and from his lips, this he said, "Go in peace for you are healed, by your faith." So many men the devil possessed, came across the Lord then laid to rest. Removed the demons from their flesh, given a new life to confess their transformation and how they're blessed. Upon a boat, Jesus slept while his disciples worried within the storm. Jesus woke to rebuked that storm. Disciples surprised when the waves subside for they didn't know how they'd survive. And they couldn't believe the miracle, which happened right before there eyes. Who could imagine, matter manipulation could happen beyond the movie screen. Turning nothing into something, creating the heavens and the earth. From dirt to man, mans rib to woman, life he created in which we were given. Special effects are God specialty we call the miracles in actuality. Be receptive to Gods words through there many forms. From a burning bush to a book, through a sermon or a song, from an angel or a dream or through the son, in between you and he who reigns supreme. Conversations are a must, keep the faith, and always trust in the Lord for he'll instruct. How to, rise above and over come the battles fought, with wars not won. Complain not to the Lord, about the mountains in your life, but tell those mountains about your God so they will move and transform, to be no more. When it’s all said and done, stay focused on God, and He’ll guide your way. Nothing’s impossible to those who pray. With faith maintained and trust in Him, leave no doubt, He’ll work things out. Because mountains are just obstacles waiting to become miracles . . .

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