Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fact vs Fiction What Women Think Real Men Possess

Women have many tricks up their sleeves when it comes to getting their way. One of the many strategies they employ is putting your manhood in question. “A real man would do this” or “A real man knows how to do that” are common phrases they use as part of their “Jedi minds tricks” to confuse and destabilize men in order to capitalize and come out on top. I applaud the technique but you guys need to know when women are actually trying to help you become better men and when they simply want to have her way. Don’t be fooled, gentlemen. Women will go pretty far to get their way.
They’ll even shamelessly attack your manhood to settle an argument and stop you from getting upset. So when you’re about to go off on her for something she knows she has no business doing, she’ll stop in your tracks by yelling “You’re not a real man!” What’s your reaction? You stop. You’re confused. How are you not a real man? And for the next five minutes you are left standing in the kitchen wondering what a real man would do. But not purely sure on where women get there real man training from, or how they determine they are experts of telling actual men what a real man is.

The following are misconceptions that women have propagated about what a real man is supposed to be. Some are true, some are false and some are coded messages in need of translation. Let’s get to it.
1. Real men aren’t afraid to express/show their emotions
What she means:
She wants to know how you feel about her. Once every two weeks isn’t enough. She wants to hear it every day. I know. It sounds exhausting, but you have to do it. She’ll keep nagging until you do and then she’ll hit you with #1 to trick you into saying it.
The truth:
Proceed with caution. Real men are capable of expressing themselves but only when necessary. No one needs to hear how you feel about everything. No one cares if you enjoy the sunset or a moonlit night. When you like someone or something you can say it. Be brief, though. If you feel like more needs to be said then go write a poem about it. Men are taught at a very young age to repress their emotions because it’s not manly; therefore, ladies, take what you get if it’s more than nothing.
2. Real men know how to treat women
What she means:
She wants you to treat her with respect. She wants you to take her out and show her a good time. By good time, she means going out to a dinner and movie or anything you both will enjoy.You probably heard this one when you brought her over to Kyle’s house and she watched you participate in an NHL tournament on Xbox. She may also be referring to the way you speak to her or the way you treat her. Ladies are more delicate and you have to remember that or suffer the consequences.
The truth:
Real men know how to treat a lady. They should treat them with respect and kindness even if they don’t deserve it. If you do feel she doesn’t deserve to be treated this way then leave her alone. You don’t have to talk to her. Real men know how to treat ladies. If you don’t know how … Learn. Fast.
3. Real men wear pink
What she means:
You look good in pink and other colors. She’s tired of seeing you in black or grey. You would look so much better with more color in your wardrobe. Pink does not make you more feminine. It’s a color like any other. Oh, and, by the way, she wants to dress you like her own personal Ken doll. She has more fashion sense than you and she wants you to recognize it. I would run if I were you.
The truth:
Bull. First, every man cannot pull off pink. Second, the 2003 pink trend that rappers made “fashionable” was a vivid example that you do not have to be a real man to wear pink. Third, are you serious? Pink?! Real men associate the color with women. Argue if you like.
4. Real men protect or stand up for their women
What she means:
You should have her back no matter what (especially if it’s her fault). She wants to know that no matter how crazy she gets in public you will support her. So if she begins to insult a group of people who, in response to her insults, want to play darts using her face as a board, she wants to know that she can tag you in at any moment. It’s the both of you against the world.
The truth:
Real men protect their women; however, real men have the sense to be with women who won’t put them in a situation where they have to fight or argue with people for a stupid reason. We all have bad days and disappointing moments, so if your girl gets into it with the wrong person you have to defend her. When it’s over though, you have to let her know that you don’t approve of her behaviour and if that’s how she wants to act then, next time, she’ll act alone. In the case that she is the victim, you have to protect her.
5. Real men can take criticism
What she means:
She has the right to criticize every aspect of your life because she’s your girl. You should be able to take anything she says to you without getting mad.
The truth:
Anyone should be able to take criticism. It’s not a man thing. Women have a hard time taking criticism. They usually get mad and remind you that you’re not their dad.
6. Real men are comfortable with their sexuality
What she means:
You should be able to admit that Bradley Cooper and Denzel Washington are good looking men without making a face. She wants you to know that saying a man is handsome does not make you gay.
The truth:
Once again, everyone should be comfortable with their sexuality, It’s not a man thing.
7. Real men don’t play video games
What she means:
You shouldn’t trade the time you spend with her for video games. She can’t stand that something, other than her, is taking up so much of your time and attention. She will never understand your fascination with video games.
The truth:
Real men do what they want; however, real men will not spend more time on video games than they do with their girlfriends or taking care of their responsibilities. Video games are a past time and should be treated as such. On the other hand, a man will favour video games to cuddling, watching gossip girl, massaging his girlfriend or any other boring crap. You can’t have it all, ladies.
8. Real men aren’t afraid to commit
What she means:
You should stop trying to be a player and build a strong relationship with her. She likes you a lot and wants to take the next step but your reluctance makes her think you do not want to be with her and only her.
The truth:
Real men know the value of a good thing and aren’t afraid to fully commit to it.

9. Real men take care of themselves
What she means:
You need to take a shower more than every other day. You also need to buy new socks, boxers and any other piece of clothing when they’re torn beyond recognition.
The truth:
Real men should take care of themselves. The way you handle yourself shows how you’ll handle other things.
10. Real men take care of others
What she means:
You shouldn’t be selfish. You should be considerate of others. It shows how you will behave when you’ll become a family man and real men take care of their families.
The truth:
Real men should be able to take care of more than just themselves. We are expected to be family men and then some. Real men take care of their families. Have you not seen The Godfather?
11. Real men are romantic
What she means:
She wants you to make her feel special. Cater to her needs. Go out of your way to break the routine. Show her how much she means to you.
The truth:
If you know how to treat a woman you should be good. It doesn’t hurt to go all out once in a blue moon though.
12. Real men are gentlemen
What she means:
You should open her doors, pay for her meals, and carry her bags. All of that good stuff. She wants you to do all the things she doesn’t want to do.
The truth:
If we are talking common courtesy then, yes, real men should be gentlemen. If we are talking relationships, real men are gentlemen to women who deserve it. Being a gentleman means treating a woman with courtesy, respect and consideration. It does not mean being her b***h. There is a difference. Giving a girl your running shoes so she can take off her heels because her feet hurt and she doesn’t want to walk barefoot is not gentleman-like. Carrying her home is gentleman-like. Giving her your shoes makes you a sucker.
13. Real men don’t get mad over little things
What she means:
She can say whatever and you can’t get mad. She can say that your head is shaped like a walnut but you can’t say anything. She can call you a slob but you shouldn’t get mad. Basically, she uses this as a “get out of jail free” card when she hits a soft spot.
The truth:
Real men should have bigger fishes to fry but some people make big fusses over little things and it is really hard to ignore them. Lord knows we try. But the more you ignore them, the bigger the fuss. What choice do you have?
14. Real men are secure
What she means:
Don’t be jealous and possessive. Let me talk to and see whoever I want to see.
The truth:
If you have no insecurities, a person you love will eventually create some for you. Sometimes people are insecure from the start while some have insecurities created for them. A real man should be comfortable in his own skin and be at peace with what he has to offer. Nothing and no one should be able to shake away that confidence.
15. Real men are strong/manly
What she means:
She doesn’t want you to struggle when you’re lifting a few grocery bags. She also would like to know that you can carry her if the situation calls for it. She also means that you need to have manly qualities. Giving yourself a pedicure as you watch Pretty Little Liars isn’t manly.
The truth:
You should be manly. You should learn how to fix a few things around the house, mow the lawn and kill a few spiders. Graduate from “Man 101″.You do not need to be physically strong, but it helps. No one wants you to look like Ronnie from Jersey Shore. The strength you need to have as a man is the strength to keep moving forward when times are extremely hard. The strength to help your loved ones when they need it the most. Strength is worth more and will last longer than any muscles.

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