Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is It That Men Only Prefer Light Skin Women?

Light skin is better! Long-silky hair is better! This is what people believe men are drawn to.

Some black men have had to endure criticism for their choice in women. On interracial dating sites, I have come across dark skinned women who seem to believe men, no matter their race, will always contact the lighter skinned races of women. And if their preference is the black woman, they will go for those who have a lighter shade.

Well, much as generally, this may seem to be the case, I think every man wants what he wants. And dark skinned women also fall into the preferences of some men. See, much as the light-skinned-long-haired preference for women seems vain because its what the mainstream media has drilled in our minds, why should a black man or any man for that matter be crucified for genuinely having a strong attraction to women who possess these characteristics?

See, we cant go rebuking every black man with a white woman like he has committed some felony for his preference in women. We cant keep assuming every man with a light skinned woman is with her because he has somehow been influenced by the mainstream media into believing lighter is better. This is just a woman that the man is attracted to; its who he may have fallen in love with because of her great qualities; its who he is (or might end up being) married to. So, unless for some reason you were into that guy, what he likes next to him in bed shouldn’t bother anyone or make people question the motives behind that particular preference.

People like who they like. People are attracted to what they are attracted to. People prefer what they prefer. And there is a reason why you prefer Gucci and Louis Vouiton over Michael Kors and Steve Madden. And our dating preferences shouldn’t be mistaken for discrimination of some form or wanting to have a trophy chic by our side. More often than not, it is what it is – preference – not discrimniation or any other deeper explanation for it.

So if my dating whoever I am dating doesn’t affect anyone directly, why should anyone be bothered by what color or skin shade the person in my bed is?

Not all lightskin women are cute, But on another accord neither are all dark skin women. We are too old to as a people to hate someone's choice in who they tend to deal with. If the shoe was on the other foot women would want men to accept it and move on, and for the most part we do, but women hate it, then categorize men as not knowing what a good woman is. Didn't realize skin complexion revealed what the character of a woman is made of. Men just love women

But this will be an issue that will never be settled, that will never die out, and that will continue to draw tension between men and women who have preferences. As a people we should do better, because no matter what black is black. 

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