Sunday, October 20, 2013

How To Get Your Girl To Workout...

In the specific words of comedian Chris Rock, "When you meet somebody for the first time, you're not meeting them, you're meeting their representative." So what do you do when, a year down the line, your girlfriend's representative—and, with it, the voice that was making her to eat right and work out—has packed up and left the building? Now her exercise regimen consists of shoving chipotle burritos into her mouth and washing it down with alcohol.

I've seen many women get comfortable in the eye of a cushy relationship and let themselves go all of a sudden. Most of the time, it's a little extra padding that small dieting changes and using the stairs more often would quickly repair. Other times, it's developed into a much bigger (literally) problem that requires a major lifestyle overhaul.
So you've observed your girlfriend's habits and, with them, her clothes, aren't quite fitting nicely as you remembered—how do you approach this sensitive topic?

Make it a "We" problem!

This isn't a problem that's exclusive to women. If your girlfriend is packing it on, it's likely you aren't just an innocent bystander. Evaluate yourself, see if your habits have taken a turn for the worse as well and approach the subject from a "We need to work out more", "We need to eat better" stance. Sure, it's transparent, but an accusatory "you" will do absolutely nothing for your cause except make you look like a superficial asshole, and women already think we are anyway.

Focus on health as opposed to aesthetics

Sure, significant weight gain carries with it a drop in sex appeal, but if you legitimately care about her, that should be secondary. According to Livestrong, gaining weight at a rapid pace can lead to several serious disorders such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Gently tell her that you're concerned your lifestyles have taken a dangerous turn and it's time to make changes. Again, use the words "We" and "Our" literal and specifically.

Understand that you'll have to work too

If you want your girl to get off her ass and eat more greens, you have to be prepared to do the same. You can't force-feed her salad and watch her run on the treadmill while you sit on the couch and eat a hamburger. Go biking, hiking and rock-climbing together, cook healthy meals at home and opt for healthier options when you go out to eat.

Accept there is no right way, to tell her she needs to lose weight

No matter how delicately you approach this subject, it's still going to hit a nerve, so prepare yourself for a shit storm. All attempts to address a topic like weight are potentially transparent, but if you really care about this woman, brace yourself for some emotional moments. However, rest assured, if you notice she's gaining weight, she does too, and she may simply need that little push to get motivated. Ultimately, if you're coming from a place of genuine concern and not just "I'm embarrassed to leave the house with you," you're doing a good thing in raising a red flag. A logical woman will come around.

If all else fails, you might have to cut her off and move on to the next..

I don't condone breaking up with a woman purely because she has gained weight, but if she has completely abandoned any regard for her well-being because she's found the protective cocoon of a long-term relationship, it's indicative of a much larger problem. We all slip, but if she adamantly refuses to right the problem even after you've put in every effort to be supportive and understanding, is that the kind of woman you really want to be with for the long haul?

Health is important, and it's a way of keeping both parties attracted to the next. It will help the relationship knowing the both of you are "sexy and you know it"... But don't take my word for it! 

Thanks for reading "Tha Cool Chronicles" 

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