Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dating Women Who Have Been Fucked Over

“It is the biggest load of bs to believe that a woman wants a guy that is going to treat her well. I have lost several girlfriends that way. I treated them well, picked up the check, opened the door... and the only thing it has gotten me is a lighter wallet and more depression to dig back out of. I guess I will never understand why women leave the guys that care about them and run back to the No Good niggas and players.”

“I've found that many women prefer to date a bad-boy type over and over again, then complain about how they can't find a good man. Then, when a good man finally comes around, the women are all jaded and messed up from the dawg niggas they've dated, and the great guy gets a raw deal and the backlash for issues he had nothing to do with."

Like the above quotes, there are many men who find themselves in relationships with women who are carrying around baggage left by a bad boy in her past. If you are one of these men, you may end up suffering for the sins of the dawgs that have come before you. You do your best to be the good guy, to be the opposite of the guy who hurt her, but eventually she leaves you in the dust and returns to the excitement of the bad boy.

When a woman gets hurt in a relationship it’s natural for her to be a little more cautious with the next guy that comes along, but there is a difference between being careful and being ridiculous. I'm gonna enlighten you on what’s acceptable and what’s outrageous from a girl who’s been burned by a bad boy. We’ll also let you know how you can keep her interested in you and away from the dark side.

Keep your distance

If she was really hurt by the last guy she was with, she probably won’t want to jump into a new relationship right off the bat. It might take a little longer for her to open up and trust you. If you think she’s worth it, give her the time and space while making it very clear that you are interested. But don’t wait forever, either. There’s no hard-and-fast rule about how long your patience should last. You’ll know when it’s no longer worth sticking around. And once you figure that out run away and never return. She's a lost cause.

Don’t let her categorize you

All men are not created equal, at least when it comes to relationship skills. A woman who has dated a bad boy may be tempted to put all men into one category and label it “Dawgs.” You have to stand up for yourself and insist that you’re not like the guy from her past. “You men are all the same” shouldn’t come out of her mouth. It's not your fault she isn't smart enough to distinguish good guys from losers. Most women love to blame men for their mistakes in the choices of men they have selected in the past. Swag and popularity 9 times out of 10 means she's gonna get played. But they never learn.

Be reliable

Being trustworthy and dependable is recommended in any dating situation but is essential when you’re dating a former bad-boy lover. She needs to know she can count on you. This means you should call when you say you’re going to, don’t break plans at the last minute, be there for her when she needs you in a crisis, and consistently make an effort to be romantic. Be a gentleman. But this may be a sure way to get you cheated on or put in the friend zone, she'll look at you as weak and vulnerable to do whatever she says so proceed with caution and be smart about it. 

Draw the line

Alternatively, it’s important not to be a pushover. Jumping at her every request and command will not make her respect you, and she may start treating you more like a slave than a boyfriend. You also need to draw the line when it comes to being blamed for the last guy’s mistakes. If he cheated on her, she might become overly suspicious of you. You should not let her get away with snooping in your stuff or stalking you to find out what you’re doing. Remind her that he is the one that deserves her distrust and anger, while you’ve given her no reason to doubt you. She'll try to hit you with the "you should have nothing to hide" shit, but that's her playing on her own insecurities because she didn't make the right choices in men. She decided to pick the alpha male who had a variety of women in which she was one of them.

Maintain some mystery

There are reasons that women are attracted to bad boys, and it’s not because all of them are addicted to punishment. A guy who tends to be hurtful, deceitful, volatile, and untrustworthy usually also has some qualities that a woman likes in a boyfriend, such as spontaneity, independence, virility, strength, and mystery. If you can display these characteristics without resorting to the bad ones, you will achieve the careful balance between intrigue and stability that all women crave. But one again be careful because women love to accuse and assume why you are this way.

Do nice guys finish first?

It can be frustrating to see women flocking to the bad boys that will end up hurting them instead of choosing a stand-up guy who will treat them right, but a little patience on your part will pay off. Eventually, a good woman gets through her bad-boy stage, and settles for the nice guy because he becomes the object of her affection. And when it comes to the woman that never changes her dawg-loving ways, you’re too good for her anyway. Granted you should never feel like you're being settled for, but let's be honest if you want to women that you're actually attracted to, you must wait till she gets her heart killed by all the wrong choices of men for her to realize you are in fact what she needs.

Women want what they see as a challenge and are willing to sacrifice their sanity, love, self respect, and dignity to try and conquer the bad-boy. This always ends in heartbreak, tears, being single with kids, and insecurity. But yet and still a woman will give her all to try and conquer this challenge over and over again. That my friends is called stupidity and insanity; hoping for a different result by doing the same things.

Us nice guys will one day be warranted, will one day be good enough to marry, and will one day sit back and laugh at all the women who have multiple children and are still single because they chose to chase bad-boys hoping that he would change into the nice guy we have always been.

"I will always be the nice guy, because I can't lose all the time"

1 comment:

  1. Very true! I love a sense of mystery and some spontaneity, but i dont want to feel as if you are so secretive that i need to question your every move.


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