Saturday, October 5, 2013

Are Black Women Too Prideful To Give Head

"I Love Black Women" but Black Women are usually accused of not taking enough risks in the bedroom. Is this a myth or does a little truth lie in the accusation?

We have all heard the theories as to why any black man would be frustrated with black women, with the most popular misconceptions stemming from claims of their attitude problems, independence overdrive, and lack of sexual liberalism. Frankly put, there are black women loving black men, who still believe black women to be too reserved behind the bedroom doors.

I spoke to a lot of black women in which I grew up with, had sexual encounters with, and some I have never met. I received a variety of  answers that mentioned maturity, reputation, etc. 

Many of the black women that I have spoke with looked at doing certain things in the bedroom,such as oral sex, like a chore. They did not embrace it. They felt like it was disgusting. They were ashamed of the idea of having oral sex with a man that things could potentially not work out with. 

But what I did find disturbing is that the same women, would let a man go down on them or expect a man to go down on them without question. A complete contradiction if I do say so myself.

Women of other nationalities that I have been acquainted with had a more liberated attitude towards sex. Not every black woman is been conservative, some in fact are serious freaks. But a majority of them were that way, These women are some what too focused on what others think of them doing so, or are very secretive about their sexual nature. But most of all are "SINGLE" and most of the sex they have is with themselves.

A lot of men believe that non black women are more willing to do nasty things in the bedroom. And more than most of the time it's true! White women, Asians, Hispanics, etc. Initiate sex, and are willing to go above and beyond to please their man or partner. And though I cannot speak for all black women 80% of the ones I have encountered are too proud and too prideful to even fathom doing things that aren't seen as typical in the bedroom. Guess you can say the majority of black women to please anyone but themselves.

This is a formulated opinion from a few questions I asked some of my readers and friends. Let's discuss this and get to the bottom of it.

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