Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wack Sex... Who Takes The Blame?

There is nothing like hearing stories of “sex gone bad” to make you reminisce on all of your own, hilariously sad, wack sexual adventures!! I usually brag that I never have wack sex anymore, simply meaning I have reviewed my past sexual experiences, both great and not so great, and figured out not only what was done wrong by both parties (Hey even a fly-guy like myself has a few off days…I’m human), but also what really gets me in that ultra wild sex mood. Yes, I can be a freak and gentleman!

Even with all of this sexual reflection, I was still left pondering “Who is really at fault for the sex being wack?” I mean I definitely have my own theory(s) but I decided to take to my ever so handy Internet friends, to get their point of views. Twitter  and Facebook did prove to be quite a help in lending me different points of views ranging from those placing blame to the romantic..and everything in between. I tell ya, there is nothing like a sex topic to get the minds wondering.

The majority of you all believe that not just one person is to blame for wack sex, more so the chemistry between the two people. Which for the most part I agree with. When your chemistry and trust factor is unrestrained both parties are willing to push their sexual boundaries. But, and there is a but, what is the case when the attraction or sexual chemistry over the phone, Internet, in crazy but once the deed is to be done it…umm falls flat? Or if the sex was bomb but all of a sudden it falls off..but the chemistry and love is still there? Who is to blame then?

Laziness! That’s who… I believe that is what plays a part in even one night stands. Sex and passion is like anything else in life that you want to be great have to study it and practice….hmmmm what a thing to practice too!  I advise y’all to act out a fantasy….be wild,be nasty,be naughty….INCREASE YOUR ORGASMS!Do it somewhere semi public…ladies pop up on your dude “Boomerang” style..trench coat..and something sinful underneath! Make a production of a wild night. Men!…be her personal pleasure slave…do anything and everything she says to please her. Do not be afraid to try something new!

I have realized that not having wack sex is more than me getting mine. It is more than me being orgasmic! It is me being totally selfish in my pleasing my partner and damn if I don’t have a partner who believes in the same logic. That leaves not only one extremely satisfied Queen but also one equally satisfied King!

This has been a public service announcement..! Brought to you by "Tha Cool Chronicles"

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