Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Black Culture MisLed By Reality Tv.

What young African Americans today are being inquired with as a result of reality shows makes one shudder in disgust and apprehension. And it says that the more morbidly stupid, wild, uncouth and untalented you are, the more famous you can become. Just look at Exhibit B, Draya of “Basketball Wives”. Neither Draya nor Joselyn Hernandez have exhibited any discernable skills whatsoever. Their only assets are pretty faces and large appendages that jiggle in your face and activate your libido. This is not role model material.

Reality TV is not only short on reality — but ethics as well, absent to normal societal parameters and moral rectitude — but it also further undermines the nucleus of the American family. This is especially true concerning the already disintegrating black American family which been under siege from all sides from a myriad of issues, many self-inflicted.

Black reality TV for the most part promotes self absorbtion, greed, trickery, conspicuous consumption, backbiting, promiscuity, infidelity, welfare mindsets, a flunkie mentality and an assortment of other social inhumanities that are slowly but surely leading to the extinction of our way of life. Without actually saying it, black reality TV teaches us to devour our fellow man in order to attain material possessions, which in the end wind up being worthless trinkets and countless nothings. And it also says ‘to hell with everyone else who’s not with my agenda’. That’s what Joseline Hernandez basically said – to hell with how it affects her family, and to hell with how her high-profile actions affect impressionable girls around the nation. And we didn’t even mention the severe psychological and spiritual damage she has inflicted upon herself. We cannot see the emotional scars, but she has to have lacerations all over her soul.

With notable exceptions to the rule, no one attains lasting fame, fortune and bonafide happiness overnight. You must work hard, and that doesn’t mean on your back, like the Love and HipHop stars. But young people and simple-minded adults are getting confused with the slew of wretched reality shows flooding the airwaves in the networks’ relentless and blatant lust for high ratings and quick profits.

Reality shows, particularly those starring black personalities, do little to nothing to help African American families. There are no redeeming qualities. It is just another outlet where coonery and buffoonery can reign non-stop on international TV. There is no purpose to these distasteful and demeaning shows, (well, other than profits for the networks) and it just showcases rampant dysfunction of blacks, much to our overall detriment.

It’s tough enough to instill valuable characteristics into your children without the presence of reality TV shows that our country and our urban youth are addicted to. This is why we should turn our attention away from the visual crack that’s killing any traces of normalcy or humanity.

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